Perfactory® Easy Cast EC500

Категория NULL, Unspecified
Производитель EnvisionTEC, Inc.
Торговая марка Perfactory®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF BHRYMh_Perfactory-Easy-Cast-EC500.pdf
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Описание материалов:
EnvisionTEC's innovative direct investment casting material, Easy Cast EC500 for use on the Perfactory® 4, Aureus jewelry model makers. With 30% faster build times and dramatically improved casting abilities, EC500 is the answer you have been waiting for to give you a competitive advantage in the jewelry manufacturing market. You can now produce up to 15 rings in 5.7 hours at 25 microns resolution compared to 8 hours with earlier materials on the Aureus. The EC500 material produces the highest resolution with the crispest detail without sacrificing speed and accuracy. EC500 has a melting point of 250 degrees C, and zero ash content on complete burnout which makes it cast as easily as any injection wax pattern.

Jewelry, MCAD

  • Improved speed when compared to PIC and WIC series - 4.5 seconds at 25 microns versus 7.5 seconds for PIC and WIC
  • Crisp detail with super smooth surfaces
  • Faster post curing times - less than 10 minutes
  • Opaque yellow to show fine feature details
  • Achieve superior surface quality for your metal investment castings by using EC500 in combination with most investment powders.

Recommended Machines:
Aureus, Perfactory® 4 Mini with ERM, Perfactory® 4 Mini XL with ERM
Главная Информация
  • Быстрое лечение
  • Выдающаяся поверхность
  • Ювелирные изделия
  • Моделирующий материал
  • Изготовление пресс-форм
  • Прототипирование
Внешний вид
  • Непрозрачный
  • Желтый
  • Жидкость
Метод обработки
  • 3D печать, стереолитография
Тип материала Категория Производитель
VisiJet® M3 Navy Unspecified 3D Systems
VisiJet® CR-WT Unspecified 3D Systems
DIGITALWAX® DL 350 Unspecified DWS Systems
Perfactory® PIC100/PIC100G Unspecified EnvisionTEC, Inc.
DIGITALWAX® DL 260 Unspecified DWS Systems
VisiJet® FTX Gold Unspecified 3D Systems
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