Omnix® 4050

Категория HPPA, High Performance Polyamide
Производитель Solvay Specialty Polymers
Торговая марка Omnix®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF 6yP8rc_Omnix-4050.pdf
Контактная информация

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Описание материалов:

Omnix® 4050 is a 50% glass-fiber reinforced, high-performance polyamide (HPPA). It is particularly suited for replacing die-cast metal in a variety of mechanical applications and components used in automotive, consumer goods, E/E, and construction. Components injection molded from Omnix® 4050 display exceptional mechanical properties and excellent surface appearance even after moisture adsorption.

  • Black: Omnix® 4050 BK 000
  • Natural: Omnix® 4050 NT 000
Главная Информация
  • Хорошая стабильность размеров
  • Жесткий, высокий
  • Высокая прочность
  • Хорошая ударопрочность
  • Распылитель
  • Цикл быстрого формования
  • Высокая яркость
  • Формируемость горячей воды
  • Отличный внешний вид
  • Электрическое/электронное применение
  • Механическое обслуживание/ремонт
  • Автомобильная электроника
Соответствие RoHS
  • Соответствие RoHS
Внешний вид
  • Черный
  • Натуральный цвет
  • Частицы
Метод обработки
  • Температура воды литье под давлением
  • Литье под давлением
Код маркировки деталей (ISO 11469)
  • >(PA PPA)-GF50
ФизическийСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Удельный вес 1.59--g/cm³ASTM D792
Формовочная усадка 1ISO 294-4
     Vertical flow direction 0.50--%ISO 294-4
     Flow direction 0.10--%ISO 294-4
МеханическиеСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Модуль растяжения 17000--MPaISO 527-2
Tensile Stress (Yield)245--MPaISO 527-2
Растяжимое напряжение (Break)2.4--%ISO 527-2
Флекторный модуль 15000--MPaISO 178
Флекторный стресс 350--MPaISO 178
ВоздействиеСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Зубчатый изод Impact 14--kJ/m²ISO 180/A
Незубчатый изод ударная прочность 90--kJ/m²ISO 180
ТепловойСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Температура плавления 260--°CISO 11357-3
ВоспламеняемостьСухойСостояниеМетод испытания
Огнестойкость (0.800 mm)HB--UL 94
Дополнительная информация
干燥 Typical values shown tested on Dry as Molded samples. Standard Packaging and Labeling: Omnix® 4050 resin is packaged in foil lined, multiwall paper bags containing 25 kg (55 pounds) of material. Individual packages will be plainly marked with the product number, the color, the lot number, and the net weight.
ИнъекцияСухойЕдиница измерения
Температура сушки 80.0°C
Время сушки 4.0 - 12hr
Задняя температура 250°C
Передняя температура 285°C
Температура обработки (расплава) 275 - 290°C
Температура формы 80.0 - 120°C
Инструкции по впрыску
Drying: Omnix® 4050 resin is shipped in moisture-resistant packages at moisture levels according to specifications. Sealed, undamaged bags should be preferably stored in a dry room at a maximum temperature of 50°C (122°F) and should be protected from possible damage. If only a portion of a package is used, the remaining material should be transferred into a sealable container. It is recommended that Omnix® resins be dried prior to molding following the recommendations found in this datasheet and/or in the Omnix® processing guide. It should be dried before molding because excessive moisture content will result in reduced mechanical properties and processing issues, such as excessive nozzle drooling, foaming and splay visible on the molded parts. Recommended drying conditions are as follows: Type of drier: Desiccant Temperature: 80°C (175°F) Time: 4-12 hours Dew point: -30°C (-22°F) or lower Polyamides oxidize in the presence of oxygen at high temperatures. Therefore drying temperatures above 80°C should be avoided, particularly for light colors or color-controlled parts. Injection Molding: Omnix® 4050 resin can be readily injection molded in most screw injection molding machines. A general purpose screw is recommended, with minimum back pressure. The melt temperature should be between 275°C and 290°C (527°F and 554°F). Generally this can be achieved with barrel temperatures from 250°C (482°F) in the rear zone gradually increasing to 285°C (545°F) in the front zone. Mold temperature should be between 80° and 120°C (176° and 248°F). Set injection pressure to give rapid injection. Adjust holding pressure to one-half injection pressure. Set hold time to maximize part weight. Transfer from injection to hold pressure at the screw position just before the part is completely filled. Storage: Omnix® compounds are shipped in moisture-resistant packages at moisture levels according to specifications. Sealed, undamaged bags should be preferably stored in a dry room at a maximum temperature of 50°C (122°F) and should be protected from possible damage. If only a portion of a package is used, the remaining material should be transferred into a sealable container. It is recommended that Omnix® resins be dried prior to molding following the recommendations found in this datasheet and/or in the Omnix® processing guide.
1 .Solvay Test Method. Shrink rates can vary with part design and processing conditions. Please consult a Solvay Technical Representative for more information.
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Generic HPPA - Glass Fiber HPPA Generic
Kalix® 2955 HPPA Solvay Specialty Polymers
Omnix® LF-4050 BK 000 HPPA Solvay Specialty Polymers
Kalix® 9945 HFFR HPPA Solvay Specialty Polymers
Omnix® FC-4050 HPPA Solvay Specialty Polymers
Omnix® LF-4060 BK 000 HPPA Solvay Specialty Polymers
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