Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Spartech Polycom PP6850R B38 | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
AZDEL™ PF10300 | PP, Unspecified | Azdel, Inc. |
Matrixx 12N4000 | PP, Unspecified | The Matrixx Group, Inc. |
SABIC® PPcompound 6504 | PP, Unspecified | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
SABIC® PPcompound 8700 | PP, Unspecified | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
TechnoFin GF 20 | PP, Unspecified | TechnoCompound GmbH |
Sindustris PP H1502 | PP, Unspecified | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Sindustris PP GP3210A | PP, Unspecified | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Starpylen MF003SU | PP, Unspecified | Eurostar Engineering Plastics |
WPP PP PPC4FR1-Black | PP, Unspecified | Washington Penn Plastic Co. Inc. |
AMTOPP TT50 | PP, Unspecified | Inteplast Group |
AMTOPP TA57 | PP, Unspecified | Inteplast Group |
Daicel PP PNAK2 | PP, Unspecified | Daicel Polymer Ltd. |
Ferro PP NPP00GT03BK | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Ferro PP TPP20AN53NA | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
FORMULA P FIB 3620/L SC | PP, Unspecified | Putsch Kunststoffe GmbH |
GAPEX® RPP20EU65GY | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
GAPEX® RPP30EU15BK | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Hifax EBS 153D NAT | PP, Unspecified | LyondellBasell Industries |
RTP 199 X 142473 A | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
MAJORIS GE360 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
MAJORIS GC163 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
FERREX® GPP20CS58HB GRAY | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
RTP 103 FR | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
RTP 103 HI UV | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
RTP 103 SP (20% FOAMED) | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
Daplen™ EE188HP | PP, Unspecified | Borealis AG |
Ferro PP TPP40AD61WH | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Ferro PP LPP10BK01BK | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Petrotene® PP A3 T20 E20 PRTA011 PH375 | PP, Unspecified | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |