Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
PrimoTek KM6090 | PBT | KMI Group Inc. |
RTP ESD C 1000 | PBT | RTP Company |
RTP ESD C 1005 | PBT | RTP Company |
RAMSTER PF201 | PBT | Polyram Ram-On Industries |
Ranger PBT PBT-403-M-G50 | PBT | Beijing Ranger Chemical Co., Ltd. |
RTP 1000 TFE 15 Z | PBT | RTP Company |
RTP 1005 | PBT | RTP Company |
Shinite® PBT D201G30 | PBT | Shinkong Synthetic Fiber Corp. |
Sindustris PBT GP2201 | PBT | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Sindustris PBT GP1001D | PBT | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
TechnoDur PBT 4 GF10 black (9991) | PBT | TechnoCompound GmbH |
Tisester® PBT UNR FR | PBT | Tisan |
Nanjing Hongrui PBT T306 | PBT | Nanjing Hongrui Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. |
Chiao Fu PBT PBT312G20 BK | PBT | Chiao Fu Enterprises Co., Ltd. |
FRblend® PBT-1500 | PBT | Colour Image Plastic Compound Sdn. Bhd. (CIPC) |
Durepol® PBT A3 G30 PRTA011 BT304 MSP | PBT | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
Duron PBT 30GF | PBT | ProPolymers Inc. |
INLUBE PBTGF30TF15 | PBT | Infinity LTL Engineered Compounds |
LONGLITE® PBT 3030-104S | PBT | CCP Group |
LONGLITE® PBT 1100-205S | PBT | CCP Group |
Pibiter® NRV30 NAT001 | PBT | SO.F.TER. SPA |
Politer 30 GF EM1 | PBT | Poliblend S.p.a. |
Tunhe PBT TH6075 | PBT | Xinjiang Blueridge Tunhe Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd |
ESTOPLAST EP 2030NN02 | PBT | Ester Industries Ltd. |
AIE PBT 30G8 | PBT | Asia International Enterprise (Hong Kong) Limited |
Celanex® 7716 | PBT | Celanese Corporation |
LNP™ LUBRICOMP™ WFL369 compound | PBT | SABIC Innovative Plastics |
Electrafil® PBT CF30 BK | PBT | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
ESTOPLAST EP 1500GY166 | PBT | Ester Industries Ltd. |
LNP™ FARADEX™ WX94736 compound | PBT | SABIC Innovative Plastics |