Perfactory® E-Denstone

Категория NULL, Unspecified
Производитель EnvisionTEC, Inc.
Торговая марка Perfactory®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
EnvisionTEC's E-Denstone Material was developed for dental model manufacturing. The peach color provides an attractive choice for modeling that is similar in look and feel to common die stones used in labs. It can be used with traditional dental manufacturing methods or as a CAD based model solution. This is the only material that allows you to easily die trim, margin mark with a red pencil and hand wax to the die without concerns for layer lines. Die paint sticks to the dies just like plaster and won't peel off. The material looks and feels like traditional gypsum models, which sets it above the other resin-based models currently on the market. The low viscosity formula combined with high accuracy printers helps to produce superior results with no loss of anatomy detail. E-Denstone is also tough enough for a dental technician to repeatedly remove and replace the die, check occlusion and move through excursions without any loss of fit or causing excessive wear on the contact surfaces. The cleanup does not use messy oils or heat that can cause distortion and takes only 3 minutes. The biggest advantage is its build time - a staggering average build time of under 2.5 hours with a full platform of crown and bridge models. All this with 35 micron resolution in Z. This means the lab is able to complete several builds in an 8 hour shift, allowing for fast turnaround of highly detailed accurate models. Unattended production means the machine can work while you are away. It will even turn itself off after completing a build.


Recommended Machines:
Perfactory® 4 DDP4 Series, PixCera
Главная Информация
  • Хорошая износостойкость
  • Низкая вязкость
  • Выдающаяся поверхность
  • Болезненный
  • Стоматологическое применение
  • Моделирующий материал
  • Прототипирование
Внешний вид
  • Непрозрачный
  • Оранжевый
  • Жидкость
Метод обработки
  • 3D печать, стереолитография
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Прочность на растяжение 56.0MPa
Удлинение при растяжении (Break)3.5%
Флекторный модуль 3350MPa
Flexural Strength 115MPa
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Heat Deflection Temperature 140°C
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Stratasys RGD720 Unspecified Stratasys
VeroClear™ RGD810 Unspecified Stratasys
VeroBlue™ RGD840 Unspecified Stratasys
3SP™ E-Denstone Peach Unspecified EnvisionTEC, Inc.
Asiga® PlasGRAY Unspecified Asiga
Lusin® Clean G 301 Unspecified Chem-Trend L.P.
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