Dyna-Purge® E2

Категория , Proprietary
Производитель Dyna-Purge, division of Shuman Plastics
Торговая марка Dyna-Purge®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF YZdoqn_Dyna-Purge-E2.pdf
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Описание материалов:
Designed for High-Temperature Engineering Resins

Dyna-Purge E2 delivers the most advanced technology breakthrough in heat stability and enhanced cleaning. Its unique integrated polymer system was developed for purging high-temperature resins safely and efficiently in all areas of the machine, including tight channels.

  • Ideal for purging high-temperature engineering resins such as PEEK, PEI, PPS, PPA, PSU, etc.
  • Excellent for color changes, resin changes, preventative machine maintenance, and prior to manual cleaning
  • Effective through a high temperature range- 575°F to 715°F (302°C to 379°C)
  • Low odor with less fumes
  • Non-abrasive, non-chemical integrated polymer system thoroughly cleans and displaces the previous production resin and color
  • Safe and non-hazardous- ingredients are FDA compliant
  • Heat stable - recommended during shutdown and start-up
  • Low "cost-per-purge" - only small quantity needed to be effective
  • Easy to use - no mixing required
  • Unlimited shelf life
Главная Информация
  • Низкий запах
  • Очистительная смесь
Рейтинг агентства
  • FDA не рассчитан
  • Частицы
Метод обработки
  • Экструзионная смесь
  • Экструзия
  • Экструзионный лист
  • Экструзионное формование профиля
  • Литье под давлением
Дополнительная информация
Applications: Injection - cold and hot runners Extrusion - profile, sheet & compounding Temperature Range: 575 - 715°F (302 - 379°C) Types of Resins: High temperature engineering resins Minimum Clearance: None Amount of Purge: 1 to 2 times barrel capacity (actual amount needed depends on machine conditions)
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Ultra Purge HIGH-E Proprietary Moulds Plus International USA, Inc.
ASACLEAN™ CP Proprietary ASACLEAN - Sun Plastech Inc.
ASACLEAN™ UX Proprietary ASACLEAN - Sun Plastech Inc.
Dyna-Purge® B Proprietary Dyna-Purge, division of Shuman Plastics
SynPlast™ TOTM-N Tri (2-ethylhexyl) Trimellitate PolyOne Corporation
Aquathene® CM04483 Proprietary LyondellBasell Industries
Получите информацию об этом продукте следующим способом.
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EMAIL US sales@su-jiao.com

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