Lusin® Lub O 32 F

Категория NULL, Unspecified
Производитель Chem-Trend L.P.
Торговая марка Lusin®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF IXFvUf_LusinLubO32F.pdf
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Описание материалов:
Lubricant and Release Agent with 100% Active Ingredient

  • Solvent and silicone free
  • Environmentally friendly
  • 100% active ingredient
  • The formulation meets the requirements of 21 CFR §178.3570 "lubricants with incidental food contact"
  • According to 21 CFR §175.300 the product can be used as resinous and polymeric coating
  • The formulation is in compliance with European Plastics Regulation No 10/2011

In general Lusin® Lub O 32 F can be used as lubricant or release agent in the packaging industry.

If the product is applied on a die, e. g. in blown film applications, it reduces the build up during production. Lusin® Lub O 32 F, applied to the outside surface of PET preforms significantly reduces scratches to the plastic surfaces occurring during transport and handling. The blocking of bottles during the transport using air conveyors can be reduced to an absolute minimum by means of coating the preforms or the final bottles with Lusin® Lub O 32 F.

In terms of lubrication of the outside surface of PET preforms, Lusin® Lub O 32 F should be applied using a suitable spray equipment, e.g. Steidle equipment.

The product is also suitable as a release agent in the thermoplastic processing industry. Mould temperatures should not exceed 200°C in terms of injection moulding. For film applications the die temperature should not exceed 190°C.

Lusin® Lub O 32 F is a waterless system. Therefore we strongly advise against dilution with water since even small impurities of water in the machinery and especially in the tubes will cause agglomerates that may block the system.
Главная Информация
Рейтинг агентства
  • Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов 21 CFR 175,300
  • Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов 21 CFR 178,3570
  • Европа без 10/2011
Внешний вид
  • Желтый
  • Жидкость
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Плотность 0.980 - 1.020g/cm³
Вязкость 120 - 170mPa·s
Тип материала Категория Производитель
ProPell™ PEBA 72D 3083651 Unspecified Foster Corporation
VisiJet® M3 Proplast Unspecified 3D Systems
Accura® Sapphire Unspecified 3D Systems
ALKAMIX™ MB-6007 Unspecified Marplex Australia Pty. Ltd.
DIGITALWAX® DL 350 Unspecified DWS Systems
ProtoGen 18920 Unspecified DSM Somos®
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