Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Ranger PBT PBT-403-M-G30 HF | PBT | Beijing Ranger Chemical Co., Ltd. |
RTP 1000 HI FR A | PBT | RTP Company |
RTP 1005 FR A | PBT | RTP Company |
Shinite® PBT D202 | PBT | Shinkong Synthetic Fiber Corp. |
Tecodur® PB70 GR30 NL XA60 | PBT | Eurotec Engineering Plastics |
Sindustris PBT GP2307FY | PBT | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Sindustris PBT GP1007FD | PBT | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
TAROLOX 10 H G6 DX0 | PBT | Taro Plast S.p.A. |
TRIBIT® 1500G10 | PBT | Samyang Corporation |
4DUR® 9K22120 | PBT | 4Plas |
Celanex® 2404 MT | PBT | Celanese Corporation |
Arnite® TV4 230 S | PBT | DSM Engineering Plastics |
Durepol® PBT A3 G15 BRC0001 BT322 MSP | PBT | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
DURANEX® 2002U | PBT | Polyplastics Co., Ltd. |
EMPBT® PBT | PBT | EMAS Plastik San.Tic.AS. |
KEBATER® PBT BF120 | PBT | BARLOG plastics GmbH |
LNP™ LUBRICOMP™ WL003 compound | PBT | SABIC Innovative Plastics |
Tunhe PBT TH6120 | PBT | Xinjiang Blueridge Tunhe Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd |
ESTOPLAST EP 2130BB12 | PBT | Ester Industries Ltd. |
Yuyao PBT 6158 | PBT | Yuyao Tenglong Plastics Co., Ltd. |
Latishield 75/4-10A | PBT | LATI S.p.A. |
Vandar® 8000 | PBT | Celanese Corporation |
Celanex® 3300 | PBT | Celanese Corporation |
OP - PBT 15GF-FR | PBT | Oxford Polymers |
POCAN® KL 1-7265 000000 | PBT | LANXESS GmbH |
LUVOCOM® 1850-8654 | PBT | LEHVOSS Group |
ESTOPLAST EP 1500GY117 | PBT | Ester Industries Ltd. |
VALOX™ K3501 resin | PBT | SABIC Innovative Plastics |
LNP™ THERMOCOMP™ WX15003 compound | PBT | SABIC Innovative Plastics Europe |
TECACOMP® PBT TC white 4038 | PBT | Ensinger GmbH |