Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Spartech Polycom TP9865C | TPO (POE) | Spartech Polycom |
RTP ESD A 2800-65A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
S&E Wire & Cable GTPO8102/R | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
SEQUEL® 1718-PUV | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
VERSIFY™ 3300 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
Allen E3400 | TPO (POE) | SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC |
Ethavin™ C85FRNC | TPO (POE) | Vi-Chem Corporation |
Franprene TED0545 | TPO (POE) | Franplast S.r.l. |
GXL 10009-X47 | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
GTPO™ 8190 | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
ENGAGE™ 8457 DA | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
Hifax CA10GC | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax CB242 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
ESPOLEX WT501 | TPO (POE) | Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. |
Hipolyene 8110 EX | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Lucene™ LC370 | TPO (POE) | LG Chem Ltd. |
Lucene™ LC165 | TPO (POE) | LG Chem Ltd. |
PermaStat® 2800-55A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
PermaStat® 2800-65A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
DEXFLEX® 727 RXF | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax TRC 779P | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hostacom TKC 471N NA NATURAL | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
apigo bio® PM 1000 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
apigo bio® PM 900 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
RTP 2800 B-45A FR A UV | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP ESD A 2800 B-85A Black | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
Hifax TYC007P | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax RTA3263/2 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SABIC® FORTIFY™ C13060D | TPO (POE) | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |