Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
RTP 600 SI 2 | ABS | RTP Company |
RTP 699 X 113386 B | ABS | RTP Company |
Sindustris ABS LAF453 | ABS | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Tenogel® ABS A3 FR PRTA011 AB341 | ABS | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
Spartech Polycom SC1-6010 | ABS | Spartech Polycom |
Toyolac® 824V-X01 | ABS | Toray Resin Company |
TYNAB® PM82 | ABS | Tyne Plastics LLC. |
TRILAC® ABS-FR1 | ABS | Polymer Technology and Services, LLC |
Badalac® ABS 20 | ABS | Bada AG |
ASTALAC™ ABS 2147 | ABS | Marplex Australia Pty. Ltd. |
CERTENE™ LG790 | ABS | Muehlstein |
ColorRx® TABS-1000RX | ABS | LTL Color Compounders, Inc. |
Dynacom 501-G20 | ABS | Dynachem Co. Ltd. |
ESTADIENE 3008 MT | ABS | Cossa Polimeri S.r.l. |
KRALASTIC® ST-600 | ABS | Nippon A&L Inc. |
Plaslube® ABS 8004 FR | ABS | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
POLYabs S20 | ABS | Polykemi AB |
Rotec® ABS 1002 FR V0/4 | ABS | ROMIRA GmbH |
Galloo GP-ABS-457 | ABS | Galloo Plastics S.A. |
Abstron SE32 FR IS15061 | ABS | Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited |
OP - ABS ABS 4-8 SS | ABS | Oxford Polymers |
RTP EMI 660.5 FR A | ABS | RTP Company |
PRL ABS-G5 | ABS | Polymer Resources Ltd. |
Veroplas SERG3 | ABS | PlastxWorld Inc. |
TECHNO ABS TFX-STG | ABS | Techno Polymer Co, Ltd. |
Abstron IMG 1115 | ABS | Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited |
Electrafil® ABS 03010 | ABS | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
HiFill FR® ABS GF30 FR | ABS | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
Lustran® Elite 1827 | ABS | Styrolution |
CYCOLAC™ DL100LG resin | ABS | SABIC Innovative Plastics Europe |