Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Malen E FABS 23-D022 | LDPE | LyondellBasell Industries |
Riblene® MP 20 | LDPE | Versalis S.p.A. |
PRIMALENE WPP593B | LDPE | Southern Polymer, Inc. |
SABIC® LDPE 2404AF00 | LDPE | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
SABIC® LDPE 2501N0W | LDPE | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
MTEGRITY™ LDPE LD225MM | LDPE | M. Holland Company |
Trademark PE LD0720F | LDPE | Trademark Plastics Corporation |
Trithene® SX 7010 | LDPE | Petroquimica Triunfo |
Westlake LDPE EC476AA | LDPE | Westlake Chemical Corporation |
Yanshan PE LD369 | LDPE | SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical |
Yanshan PE 1150A | LDPE | SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical |
陶氏低密度聚乙烯 208C | LDPE | The Dow Chemical Company |
DOW™ LDPE 132G | LDPE | The Dow Chemical Company |
DOW™ LDPE 133A | LDPE | The Dow Chemical Company |
ACCUCOMP™ LD0102L | LDPE | ACLO Compounders Inc. |
Borealis LE6006 | LDPE | Borealis AG |
DOW™ Electrical & Telecommunications DFDA-4850 NT | LDPE | The Dow Chemical Company |
ExxonMobil™ LDPE LD 129.24 | LDPE | ExxonMobil Chemical |
ExxonMobil™ LDPE LD 312 Series | LDPE | ExxonMobil Chemical |
DuPont™ 20 Series DPE-20-6064 | LDPE | DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers |
Epolene® C-17 | LDPE | Westlake Chemical Corporation |
DOW™ Electrical & Telecommunications HFDB-4202 NT | LDPE | The Dow Chemical Company |
Kemcor LD 1109 | LDPE | Qenos Pty Ltd |
Lupolen 3026 K | LDPE | LyondellBasell Industries |
PETILEN H2-26T | LDPE | PETKIM Petrokimya Holding A.S. |
PETILEN I22-19T | LDPE | PETKIM Petrokimya Holding A.S. |
Petrothene® L3035 | LDPE | LyondellBasell Industries |
Petrothene® NA336149 | LDPE | LyondellBasell Industries |
Marlex® K203 | LDPE | Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC |