Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Spartech Polycom PP5140F D30 | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
Spartech Polycom PP5230F B1 | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
RTP PP FR0 | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
SABIC® PPcompound 8750MB2 | PP, Unspecified | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
Retpol® 7517 UV3 SAS | PP, Unspecified | PolyPacific Pty. Ltd. |
RTP 100 HI | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
Shandong PP PG4301 | PP, Unspecified | Shandong Dongchen Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. |
Sindustris PP M1316 | PP, Unspecified | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Sinpolene MBB3034 | PP, Unspecified | Teknor Apex Asia Pacific PTE. LTD. |
Thermylene® P-20TC-5103 | PP, Unspecified | Asahi Kasei Plastics North America Inc. |
ADMER™ QF460E | PP, Unspecified | Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH |
AMTOPP BA25 | PP, Unspecified | Inteplast Group |
Ferro PP TPP40AJ26UL-TN | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Felix Compounds Glass Fibre | PP, Unspecified | Felix Compounds |
Celstran® PP-GF50-10 | PP, Unspecified | Celanese Corporation |
GAPEX® RPP20EU52AL | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Lucent PP PPC-320 | PP, Unspecified | Lucent Polymers, Inc. |
Mafill® CR XG 3344 | PP, Unspecified | Ravago Group |
GAPEX® RPP10DX02NA | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
GAPEX® FPP30GQ03HB TAN | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
MAJORIS BT372 - 5038 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
Kingfa HG-542 | PP, Unspecified | Kingfa |
Ferro PP TPP20AN70BK | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
PolyFibra® PF-PHJ01 | PP, Unspecified | FuturaMat |
POLYfill PP EVR8025H UV | PP, Unspecified | Polykemi AB |
RTP 131 HF | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
MAJORIS DG400 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
Petrotene® PP A3 T10 PRTA010 PH380 | PP, Unspecified | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
AIE PP 8010HMS-TFHI | PP, Unspecified | Asia International Enterprise (Hong Kong) Limited |
RTP 183 TFE 15 | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |