Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Polypropylene PP 10 CA | PP, Unspecified | PETKIM Petrokimya Holding A.S. |
SuperLite® SL550800-100 (1.5mm) | PP, Unspecified | Azdel, Inc. |
Matrixx 14N4000 | PP, Unspecified | The Matrixx Group, Inc. |
Primefin V525HUV | PP, Unspecified | Lucent Polymers, Inc. |
Seblex® 7848 | PP, Unspecified | PolyPacific Pty. Ltd. |
SLOVALEN® PC 18 FRT 5 | PP, Unspecified | Plastcom |
TYNE® Olefins W6403 | PP, Unspecified | Tyne Plastics LLC. |
Nanjing Hongrui PP P401 | PP, Unspecified | Nanjing Hongrui Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. |
NYLOY® PG-0020N | PP, Unspecified | Nytex Composites Co., Ltd. |
Adell PP EF-12 | PP, Unspecified | Adell Plastics, Inc. |
BP RPP 1310 T NAT | PP, Unspecified | Buckeye Polymers, Inc. |
AMTOPP IM20 | PP, Unspecified | Inteplast Group |
DENILEN B 2010 CB | PP, Unspecified | Vamp Tech |
FRAGOM PR/22 PP | PP, Unspecified | Crosspolimeri S.p.A. |
GLS PP YN06 HF2 | PP, Unspecified | GLS Polymers Pvt. Ltd. |
Ferro PP TPP10AN52NA | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
GAPEX® RPP40EB39 HB Black | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Kingfa PP-1016 | PP, Unspecified | Kingfa |
HIPOL™ LA221 | PP, Unspecified | Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. |
Lucent PP TPP-230 | PP, Unspecified | Lucent Polymers, Inc. |
SABIC® PPcompound 7251U | PP, Unspecified | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
Plexar® PX6008X01 | PP, Unspecified | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hostacom X M1 T02 357026 | PP, Unspecified | LyondellBasell Industries |
Cheng Yu HG325 | PP, Unspecified | Cheng Yu Plastic Company Limited |
PERCOM® XG1128 | PP, Unspecified | A. Schulman Europe |
Celstran® PP-GF40-10 | PP, Unspecified | Celanese Corporation |
GLS PP ZT79 | PP, Unspecified | GLS Polymers Pvt. Ltd. |
Hostacom EKC 265N G51359 | PP Copolymer | LyondellBasell Industries |
Petrotene® PP A3 G30 DOR0078 PH328 MSP | PP, Unspecified | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
LNP™ VERTON™ MV008SU compound | PP, Unspecified | SABIC Innovative Plastics |