Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
POLYshine PBT D223 GF15 FR | PBT | Polykemi AB |
QR Resin QR-8000-GF15 | PBT | QTR, Inc. |
SLOVASTER® B1 GF 20 000/2 | PBT | Plastcom |
SORVEX 500 | PBT | Sorensen Ventures |
Vitaster® UR34NT6222 | PBT | Jackdaw Polymers |
Ultradur® S 4090 G6 LS BK15077 | PBT | BASF Corporation |
BIPEX B0420GN | PBT | Ginar Technology Co., LTD. |
ColorRx® PBT-2000RX | PBT | LTL Color Compounders, Inc. |
CompaDur® 151 black (021) | PBT | DimeLika Plast GmbH |
Durepol® PBT A3 FR NTLA010 BT329 | PBT | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
ASTADUR™ B4040G8-UV | PBT | Marplex Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Later 4 G/20 | PBT | LATI S.p.A. |
Lucent PBT GPB-FR515 | PBT | Lucent Polymers, Inc. |
Lupox® GP2306FY | PBT | LG Chem Ltd. |
PLANAC BT-3530 | PBT | TOYOBO America, Inc. |
ESTOPLAST EP 2030NN21 | PBT | Ester Industries Ltd. |
POCAN® S 7020 000000 | PBT | LANXESS GmbH |
Later 4 K/30 | PBT | LATI S.p.A. |
Arnite® TV4 270 | PBT | DSM Engineering Plastics |
SCHULADUR® A GF 15 HF FR 1 | PBT | A. Schulman Europe |
RTP 1099 X 138299 | PBT | RTP Company |
VESTODUR® GK30 | PBT | Evonik Industries AG |
VESTODUR® 3000 Series | PBT | Evonik Industries AG |
Kingfa PBT RG20 | PBT | Kingfa |
LUVOCOM® 1850-8652 | PBT | Lehmann & Voss & Co. |
POCAN® B 1600 000000 | PBT | LANXESS GmbH |
POCAN® KU 1-7301 000000 | PBT | LANXESS Corporation |
Ultradur® B 4441 G5 | PBT | BASF Corporation |
Ultradur® B 4406 G3 Q717 | PBT | BASF Corporation |