Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Spartech Polycom PP5220 B78 | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
Spartech Polycom PP5233 B2 | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
SuperLite® SL550600-100 (1.5mm) | PP, Unspecified | Azdel, Inc. |
AZDEL™ PM10300-710 | PP, Unspecified | Azdel, Inc. |
RTP 156 LF | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
Sindustris PP GP2301 | PP, Unspecified | Sincerity Australia Pty Ltd. |
Synres® SR-4321 | PP, Unspecified | Teknor Apex Company |
Aaroprene® TFPP 2010 | PP, Unspecified | Aaron Industries Corp. |
Caltex PP HT43 | PP, Unspecified | GS Caltex |
Daicel PP PT8N1 | PP, Unspecified | Daicel Polymer Ltd. |
Ferro PP TPP20AF34BK | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Aplax P0513GN | PP, Unspecified | Ginar Technology Co., LTD. |
DENILEN M 3031 | PP, Unspecified | Vamp Tech |
FILLMA 5002G10 | PP, Unspecified | POLYROCKS CHEMICAL CO., LTD |
GAPEX® RPP20EU83GY | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
PALPROP® R M 763 | PP, Unspecified | pal plast GmbH |
MAJ'ECO DP264W | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
MAJORIS EB710 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
RTP 102 CC HI | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
Yuyao PP TL201 (GF) | PP, Unspecified | Yuyao Tenglong Plastics Co., Ltd. |
Cheng Yu HG325 | PP, Unspecified | Cheng Yu Plastic Company Limited |
EnviroPro 2014TF13 | PP, Unspecified | West Michigan Compounding |
Electrafil® 02020 MB | PP, Unspecified | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
MAJORIS EX960 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
SUPRAN® PP1330E | PP, Unspecified | SAMBARK |
Lupol® GP3202 | PP, Unspecified | LG Chem Ltd. |
Petrotene® PP A3 G40 HF CNZ0207 PH356 | PP, Unspecified | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
ALCOM® PP 620/40 IM UV WT1020-13MCX | PP, Unspecified | ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH |
HiFill® PP GB20 | PP, Unspecified | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
MAJORIS DW401HB - 8229 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |