Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
RTP 2800-40D | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP 2800 B-65A Z | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP 2800-35A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
SEQUEL® E5000 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Spartech PP SP-3810 | TPO (POE) | Spartech Plastics |
Adflex Z 101 H | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
DEXFLEX® 727 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Ecoliner 5012 | TPO (POE) | DN Plastics |
GXL 10002 Series | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
GTPO™ 9008-2A | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
ENGAGE™ 8540 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
ENGAGE™ 8157 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
Hifax CA387PC | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax ETA4161UV | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax BR1149PC | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
ESPOLEX 4855 | TPO (POE) | Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. |
Hifax TRS 784D | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hipolyene 4511 RM | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hostacom TKS716D | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SEQUEL® 1580-UV 598F ANTHRACITE | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
apigo bio® CA 90 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
Hifax ETA3163/1 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SEQUEL® 1820 7C45-UV | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SEQUEL® 1718 FP NAT | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hostacom TRC 787N 1 Natural | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
RTP ESD A 2800-90A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
STERLENE™ BMU147E | TPO (POE) | R&P (Pte.) Ltd. |
STERLENE™ BMV256A | TPO (POE) | R&P (Pte.) Ltd. |
neogol® 25 P UG | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
neogol® 70 P UG | TPO (POE) | API SpA |