Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
POLYMAN® (ABS) M/SHI | ABS | A. Schulman Europe |
PP ABS HF380 | ABS | Performance Plastics, Ltd. |
RTP 600 TFE 10 FR | ABS | RTP Company |
Rotec® ABS TS 12 | ABS | ROMIRA GmbH |
Shuman ABS SP790 | ABS | Shuman Plastics, Inc. |
Tenogel® ABS A3 HL NTLA010 AB318 | ABS | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
Tekulac ST 50 FR | ABS | TEKUMA Kunststoff GmbH |
Spartech Polycom SCR1-5005F | ABS | Spartech Polycom |
Spartech Polycom SC1F-4009U | ABS | Spartech Polycom |
Stylac™ A3921 | ABS | Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation |
TYNE® ABS CBM 65 | ABS | Tyne Plastics LLC. |
Witcom ABS AS-S | ABS | Witcom Engineering Plastics B.V. |
UMG ABS® EX120 | ABS | UMG ABS, Ltd. |
UMG ABS® VD100 | ABS | UMG ABS, Ltd. |
UMG ABS® PS-507 | ABS | UMG ABS, Ltd. |
Canuck Compounds 400 Series - BK 4-7-3 | ABS | Canuck Compounders Inc. |
Ghaed ABS ABS-40 | ABS | Ghaed Basir Petrochemicals Co. |
Kingplate™ 710 | ABS | Shanghai KumhoSunny Plastics Co., Ltd. |
Kingfa HC-110 | ABS | Kingfa |
LG ABS XR401F | ABS | LG Chem Ltd. |
LG ABS LG709W | ABS | LG Chem Ltd. |
Plaslube® ABS 7000 | ABS | Techmer Engineered Solutions |
RONFALIN® ABS 1361 | ABS | A. Schulman Europe |
ESTOPLAST SR 1500WW01 | ABS | Ester Industries Ltd. |
RTP EMI 662 FR | ABS | RTP Company |
Generic ABS - Glass Bead | ABS | Generic |
POLYabs N20 GF17 | ABS | Polykemi AB |
DynaStat® 1147 | ABS | Polymer Dynamix |
Hylac® GP74G5 | ABS | Ravago Manufacturing Americas, LLC |
CYCOLAC™ MG38N resin | ABS | SABIC Innovative Plastics |