Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
Spartech Polycom PP5230F B1-B | PP, Unspecified | Spartech Polycom |
SABIC® PPcompound 5310 | PP, Unspecified | SABIC Innovative Plastics |
SABIC® PPcompound G3220A | PP, Unspecified | SABIC Innovative Plastics |
SLOVALEN® PC 53 N | PP, Unspecified | Plastcom |
Moplen HP461Y | PP, Unspecified | PolyMirae |
RheTech Polypropylene G10UP100-01 | PP, Unspecified | RheTech, Inc. |
AMTOPP SP19 | PP, Unspecified | Inteplast Group |
Borcoat™ BB127E | PP, Unspecified | Borealis AG |
CarmelStat™ CS 5015 | PP, Unspecified | Carmel Olefins Ltd. |
Celstran® PP-GF30-02 AF 3001 | PP, Unspecified | Celanese Corporation |
GAPEX® RPP20EV09HB | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
K PP 9071 AP | PP, Unspecified | Technovinyl Polymers India Ltd. |
LNP™ LUBRICOMP™ ML008 compound | PP, Unspecified | SABIC Innovative Plastics Europe |
PermaStat® 100 LE | PP, Unspecified | RTP Company |
POLYCOMPO PP J226E | PP, Unspecified | POLYCOMPO Co.,Ltd. |
TABOREN® PM 29 T 20-027 | PP, Unspecified | SILON s.r.o. |
Petrotene® PP A3 G15 NTLA010 PH307 | PP, Unspecified | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
MAJORIS DB760 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
PolyFibra® PF-PEF05 | PP, Unspecified | FuturaMat |
Kingfa PP-V25 | PP, Unspecified | Kingfa |
Hostacom EKC 330N | PP, Unspecified | LyondellBasell Industries |
MAJORIS GC300 - 1367 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
MAJORIS DG157 - 8229 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
Ferro PP LPP20BN19HB-AL | PP, Unspecified | Ferro Corporation |
Generic PP, Unspecified - Glass Fiber | PP, Unspecified | Generic |
MAJORIS G409/12.5 - 8229 | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
MAJORIS MA201T | PP, Unspecified | AD majoris |
PERCOM® KHT20 GW800 | PP, Unspecified | A. Schulman Europe |
SABIC® PPcompound 7705 | PP, Unspecified | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
Matrixx CPP1B10 | PP, Unspecified | The Matrixx Group, Inc. |