Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
RTP ESD C 2800 B-75A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP ESD C 2800-90A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
Melos™ FM 0463 | TPO (POE) | Melos GmbH |
Melos™ FM 1239 | TPO (POE) | Melos GmbH |
SEQUEL® 1718 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SEQUEL® E3400 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Telcar® TL-2365A | TPO (POE) | Teknor Apex Company |
Softell CA 7413 A | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
STERLENE™ BMU148A | TPO (POE) | R&P (Pte.) Ltd. |
VERSIFY™ 3401 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
Unipren® Elastomers D3 PRTA011 60A IG06S1 UP345 | TPO (POE) | Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA |
apigo® CA 450 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
apigo® 9160 NL/60 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
EchoShield 0512 | TPO (POE) | DN Plastics |
ENGAGE™ 8150 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
Hipolyene 8001 SGM | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hipolyene 3080 HC RM | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hipolyene 3152 MC | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hipolyene 6251 Y | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hostacom ERP 751D | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hostacom TKS736D | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hostacom TKS709D | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SEQUEL® 1497 PUV NH533 BLK | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
apigo bio® PM 850 FL | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
RTP 2899 X 109566 | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
GTPO™ 8102 | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
Hifax CB228 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SABIC® FORTIFY™ C1060D | TPO (POE) | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
Hifax CA 7442 A | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
RTP EMI 2862-63A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |