Тип материала | Категория | Производитель |
RTP 2800 B-65A Z | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP ESD C 2800-85A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
Telcar® TL-2696A | TPO (POE) | Teknor Apex Company |
apigo® P 70 | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
Elastamax™ TM0200-0085 Black | TPO (POE) | PolyOne Corporation |
ENGAGE™ 8200 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
ENGAGE™ 8400 | TPO (POE) | The Dow Chemical Company |
ESPOLEX 3785 | TPO (POE) | Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. |
ESPOLEX 412A | TPO (POE) | Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. |
ESPOLEX WT501 | TPO (POE) | Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. |
Hipolyene 8021 HC | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hipolyene 8015 FRC | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hipolyene 1535 T5 | TPO (POE) | Zylog Plastalloys |
Hyundai EP TPO HR570 | TPO (POE) | HYUNDAI EP Co., Ltd. |
INDURE™ X76 | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Lucolit® 1321 | TPO (POE) | Lucobit AG |
Hostacom CA199AC BLK | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Elastron® TPO T100.D60.B | TPO (POE) | Elastron USA, Inc. |
GPP™ 1001V0E | TPO (POE) | S&E Specialty Polymers, LLC |
Hostacom TRC 352NA NATURAL | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Hifax 7430P | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
RTP 2899 X 109568 A | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
RTP ESD A 2800 | TPO (POE) | RTP Company |
Hifax TRC 770P | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
SABIC® FORTIFY™ C0570D | TPO (POE) | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
SABIC® FORTIFY™ C3070D | TPO (POE) | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) |
neogol® 80 P UG | TPO (POE) | API SpA |
Hifax TRS 123D NAT | TPO (POE) | LyondellBasell Industries |
Elastoprene HS5150D NAT | TPO (POE) | KMI Group, Inc. |