Royalite R47

Категория PMMA/PVC, Acrylic (PMMA) + PVC , PMMA+PVC
Производитель Spartech Plastics
Торговая марка Royalite
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
ROYALITE® R47 thermoplastic sheet is a proprietary PVC alloy that is cost competitive with acrylic/PVC alloys while maintaining physical performance and improving formability. It maintains the superior thermoforming characteristics of an ABS/PVC alloy, while bringing a higher degree of impact, tensile strength, and stiffness. It also has improved heat distortion characteristics over most acrylic/PVC sheets. Its high degree of rigidity, especially in thin gauges, and lower specific gravity when compared to competitive acrylic/PVC's allows for significant cost-per-part savings.

The combination of toughness, durability, and fire retardancy makes Royalite® R47 the perfect choice for a wide variety of applications. Its excellent abrasion and chemical resistance make it suitable for many industrial applications such as trays, tote boxes, ducts, and sinks. High rigidity and excellent fire rating at thin gauges make it ideal for electronic equipment and business machine housings, and improved high temperature performance over most acrylic/PVC materials makes it the material of choice for internal electronic components.

You can process this rigid thermoplastic sheet on virtually all thermoforming equipment from high-volume, multi-station rotary machines to hand-operated presses. It is readily handformed for prototyping, and is suitable for us with aluminum and epoxy molds and fine-grain wood molds such as mahogany. Because
Royalite® R47 is a PVC alloy, care must be taken in forming so as not to overheat the sheet. Stock temperatures of approximately 320-390°F are recommended for proper forming. As with any thermoplastic material, care should be taken to account for the coefficient of thermal expansion when considering design parameters. Please contact Spartech for data relating to your specific application and equipment.

Royalite® R47 sheet can be supplied in a variety of colors and over 24 different grain patterns to meet specific aesthetic requirements. This Royalite product is normally capped with calendered film, which provides exceptional color and gloss control, plus outstanding grain retention after forming.

You can machine, saw, drill, rout and grind this rigid sheet with conventional plastics fabricating equipment. It can be punched and die-cut, sanded and polished easily. So long as proper procedures are followed, you can join it to itself, or other materials, by adhesive bonding, ultrasonic welding, and by mechanical fasteners. Please contact Spartech for specific recommendations.

Royalite® R47 is resistant to a wide range of concentrated chemicals, and also exhibits very good stain resistance to common staining agents. Therefore, it is easily and safely cleaned with mild detergents or common cleansers. As with all plastics, extreme care should be taken when selecting a cleaning agent; some solutions may leave a residue or discolor the material. Mild soap and water are recommended; any other solution should be used with extreme caution as it may cause discoloration or degrade the material. Contact Spartech for suggested guidelines.

Royalite® R47 is available in various custom colors, grain textures, gauges, and blank sizes subject to normal product scheduling. Maximum width available is 60". The available gauge range is 0.031" - 0.375". Some restrictions apply to widths greater than 55".
Главная Информация
  • Ультра высокая ударопрочность
  • Хорошая стабильность размеров
  • Жесткий, высокий
  • Жесткий, высокий
  • Высокая прочность на растяжение
  • Сопротивление пятнам
  • Очищаемый
  • Хорошая стойкость к истиранию
  • Хорошая химическая стойкость
  • Теплостойкость, высокая
  • Долговечность
  • Хорошая прочность
  • Огнестойкий
  • Электрическое/электронное применение
  • Инструменты/комплект запасных частей
  • Бизнес-оборудование
  • Чехол
  • Кронштейн Лоток
Внешний вид
  • Доступные цвета
  • Частицы
Метод обработки
  • Термоформовка
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Удельный вес 11.27 - 1.30g/cm³ASTM D792
Формовочная усадка- Поток (3.18 mm)0.50 - 0.70%ASTM D955
ТвердостьНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Твердость Роквелла (R-Scale, 3.18 mm)100ASTM D785
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Прочность на растяжение- Поток (Yield, 3.18 mm)42.1MPaASTM D638
Флекторный модуль (3.18 mm)2410MPaASTM D790
Flexural Strength (3.18 mm)64.8MPaASTM D790
ВоздействиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Зубчатый изод Impact (23°C, 3.18 mm)690J/mASTM D256
Ударное падение Dart (23°C, 3.18 mm)36.2JASTM D5420
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Температура отклонения при нагрузке (1.8 MPa, Annealed, 3.18 mm)75.6°CASTM D648
ВоспламеняемостьНоминальное значениеМетод испытания
Огнестойкость UL 94
    0.737 mm, All Colors V-0UL 94
    2.49 mm, All Colors 5VAUL 94
Воспламеняемость (3.18 mm)PassesFMVSS 302
1 .Color Dependent
Тип материала Категория Производитель
KYDEX® FST-03 PMMA+PVC SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC
KYDEX® 6565(d) PMMA+PVC SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC
KYDEX® 6200 PMMA+PVC SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC
KYDEX® 110 PMMA+PVC SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC
Vikalloy P84 PMMA+PVC Viking Polymers, LLC
Boltaron 4800 PMMA+PVC Boltaron Performance Products
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