Baydur® 426 IMR (Continuous Filament Mat)

Категория PUR, Polyurethane (MDI) , PUR-MDI
Производитель Covestro - PUR
Торговая марка Baydur®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
Baydur 426 IMR is a polyurethane high density structural RIM (HD SRIM) system used for automotive and light truck applications. This system is well suited for load bearing truck beds, tailgates, bumper beams, load floors, etc. It has excellent heat stability performance. Baydur 426 IMR composites can be used to replace steel or structural plastics for significant weight reduction ad lower tooling costs. Due to its inherent nature, this system is corrosion and abrasion resistant.

The Baydur 426 IMR system can be processed with either a closed mold or open mold. This system is combined with a variety of glass reinforcements to make a structural composite. Glass mats, directed chop preforms or glass rovings can be used for reinforcement. This system has the appropriate reaction rate so that it can be used with a chopped glass fiber RIM machine. The Baydur 426 IMR system has an exceptionally long gel time, yet fast cure time, that makes it well suited for large automotive parts.

The Baydur 426 IMR system is supplied as two reactive liquid components. Component A is a polymeric diphenlymethane diisocyanate (PMDI), and Component B is a formulated polyether polyol system. As with any product, use of the Baydur 426 IMR system in a given application must be tested (including field-testing, etc.) in advance by the user to determine suitability.
Главная Информация
  • Армированный стекловолокном материал, 50% наполнитель по весу
  • Хорошая коррозионная стойкость
  • Хорошая стойкость к истиранию
  • Термическая стабильность, хорошая
  • Замена металла
  • Применение в автомобильной области
Метод обработки
  • Литье под давлением реакции (обод)
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Удельный вес 1.50g/cm³ASTM D792
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Прочность на растяжение (22°C, 6.00 mm)180MPaASTM D638
Флекторный модуль (22°C, 6.00 mm)11500MPaASTM D790
Flexural Strength (22°C, 6.00 mm)300MPaASTM D790
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
CLTE- Поток (6.00 mm)1.5E-5cm/cm/°CASTM D696
ТермокомплектНоминальное значение
Компоненты термокомплекта
    Component a Mixing ratio by weight: 170
    Component B Mixing ratio by weight: 100
Дополнительная информация
Part A Type: Isocyanate Appearance: Dark brown liquid Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.24 Viscosity @25°C: 200 cps Flash Point PMCC: 199°C NCO: 31.0 min wt% Part B Type: Polyol Appearance: Black liquid Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.05 Viscosity @25°C: 2150 cps Flash Point PMCC: 186°C Hydroxyl Number: 657 KOH/g Material Temperatures: 30 to 40°CMold Temperature: 80 to 100°CGel Time: 15 to 20 secTack-Free Time: 75 to 90 sec
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Xuchuan XCW-30DY PUR, Unspecified Xuchuan Chemical (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Xuchuan XCW-6060 PUR, Unspecified Xuchuan Chemical (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
RTP 2309 C PUR, Unspecified RTP Company
Andur 6500 DP/Curene® 442 PUR-Ether/TDI Anderson Development Company
KRYSTALFLEX™ PE429 PUR-Eth,aliphat Huntsman Corporation
Bayfit® SA 511 (85 Index) PUR-MDI Covestro - PUR
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