Algoflon® D 1610 F

Категория PTFE, Polytetrafluoroethylene
Производитель Solvay Specialty Polymers
Торговая марка Algoflon®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
Algoflon® D 1610 F is a PFOA-free white aqueous PTFE dispersion. It is designed for additivation of plastics and is particularly recommended for use as anti-drip in flame retardant formulations.

Algoflon® D 1610 F exhibits good wetting properties and shear stability.

Main features of Algoflon® D 1610 F PTFE dispersion are:

  • NO polyethoxylated alkylphenols
  • Very good wetting properties
  • Good shear stability
  • Excellent anti-dripping effect
Главная Информация
  • Низкий коэффициент трения
  • Хорошая химическая стойкость
  • Теплостойкость, высокая
  • Применение окунания
  • Добавка
Внешний вид
  • Белый
  • Латекс
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
PH > 9.0ASTM D4441
Плотность 1.510g/cm³ASTM D4441
Средний размер частиц 250nmInternal method
Дополнительная информацияНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Содержание ПТФЭ- (На смеси) 60.0wt%ASTM D4441
Неионный ПАВ- (На смеси) 3.5wt%ASTM D4441
Processing Algoflon® D 1610 F can be processed undiluted or diluted using distilled or deionized water. Storage and Handling Algoflon® PTFE dispersions must be stored under suitable temperature conditions to ensure prolonged stability. Temperatures lower than 5°C must be avoided to prevent irreversible settling. Also, some settling may occur on prolonged standing and/or heat exposure. It is therefore strongly recommended that the product is always kept at temperatures below 35°C. The optimum storage temperature range is 10-25°C. It is also advisable that the product is homogenized by gentle rolling or stirring once per month and prior to use. Safety and Toxicology Before using Algoflon® PTFE dispersions consult the product Material Safety Data Sheet and follow all label directions and handling precautions. As with all PTFE materials, handling and processing should only be carried out in well ventilated areas. Venting units should be installed above processing equipment. Fumes must not be inhaled and eye and skin contact ought to be avoided. In case of skin contact wash with soap and water. In case of eye contact flush with water immediately and seek medical help. Do not smoke in areas contaminated with powder, vapor or fumes. See Material Safety Data Sheet for detailed advice on waste disposal methods Packaging Algoflon® D 1610 F is packaged in either 30 kg drums or 1500 kg IBC's. Additional Technical Information For Material Safety Data Sheet or additional technical information consult your Solvay Specialty Polymers sales representative.
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Avalon 88 PTFE Greene, Tweed & Co.
DeWAL DW 213 PTFE DeWAL Industries
Teflon® PTFE 62 X PTFE DuPont Fluoropolymers
3M™ Dyneon™ PTFE TF 9201Z PTFE 3M Advanced Materials Division
Avalon 69 PTFE Greene, Tweed & Co.
Flontech® FT-PI15-1 PTFE Guarniflon S.p.A. - Flontech Division
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