Категория PE, Halogenated Flame Retardant Insulation Compound , PE Copolymer
Производитель The Dow Chemical Company
Торговая марка UNIGARD™
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
CV Cure/Control Cable Insulation (UL 44 VW-1)
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ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Плотность 1.30g/cm³ASTM D1505
Механическое поглощение воды (82 °C) 0.190mg/cm²UL 1581
СтарениеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Прочность на растяжение- 7 дней (121 °C) 100%ASTM D638
Коэффициент удлинения- 7 дней (121 °C) 95%ASTM D638
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Деформация (121 °C) 10%UL 44
ЭлектрическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
    in 75°C (167°F) water, after 24 hrs 3.23UL 44
    in 75°C (167°F) water, increase, 1 to 14 days 2.0%UL 44
    in 75°C (167°F) water, increase, 7 to 14 days 0.10%UL 44
    Stability Factor 0.300UL 44
Сопротивление изоляции- В воде (16 °C) 50000Mohms/1000 ftUL 44
ВоспламеняемостьНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
VW-1- Вертикальное Испытание на ожога (№ 14 AWG (1,63 мм диаметр) XHHW, RHH) PassUL 44
Испытание пламени- Горизонтальный PassUL 44
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Прочность на растяжение 13.8MPaASTM D638
Удлинение при растяжении (Break)330%ASTM D638
Флекторный модуль- 1% Secant 124MPaASTM D790
ЭлектрическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Диэлектрическая постоянная (60 Hz)3.20ASTM D150
Коэффициент рассеивания (60 Hz)3.0E-3ASTM D150
ВоспламеняемостьНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Индекс кислорода 29%ASTM D2863
Дополнительная информация
Heat Aging Characteristics HFDA-6522 Natural is formulated to possess an outstanding long-term service life. Results supporting this very important wire and cable compound property are presented graphically in Figure 1. Arrhenius aging data represent the accepted method for projecting service life of wire and cable compounds. The data in Figure 1 are presented in terms of the time required at various temperatures to reach 60 percent of the original elongation measured. These data were obtained on cured slab samples subjected to oven aging at temperatures of 136, 146, 156, 170 and 182°C. The semi-log curve data in Figure 1 show an excellent correlation coefficient (0.94) and were used to project a service life at 85°C of 40 years. Your attention is drawn to a not uncommon initial change in percent elongation found with UNIGARD-HP HFDA-6522 Natural. We have determined that oftentimes an initial decrease in the elongation to about 85 percent of the original is measured. This change does not reflect oxidative degradation of the compound but rather signals a post-cure interactive effect of one of the formulation components. Once this post-cure phenomenon is complete, further accelerated loss of elongation does not occur. The post-cure decrease is not at all significant because HFDA-6522 Natural possesses an extremely high original percent elongation value. Wet Electrical Performance Figures 2 and 3 graphically present insulation resistance and specific inductance capacitance data for HFDA-6522 Natural in 75°C water for one year. These data show the excellent long-term dielectric properties of this compound under these test conditions. Figures 4 and 5 present the same data measured under the more severe continuous service conditioning in 90°C water. Again the excellent results reflect the retention of insulative properties in the demanding environment of the test. Colorability HFDA-6522 Natural is a colorable compound. Our experience has been that the color masterbatch materials recommended for use with crosslinked polyethylene wire and cable products serve the purpose in HFDA-6522. Generally speaking, color masterbatch added at the 2% by weight level gives adequate color and disperses well in the extrusion process.
Figure 5: EM-60 Data HFDA-6522 Specific Inductance Capacitance in 90°C water
Инструкции по экструзии
The Extrusion Profile summarizes conditions for a commercial extrusion run on HFDA-6522. Using these conditions with a standard polyethylene screw afforded high quality finished wire meeting the specifications set forth in Underwriters Laboratories, Subject 44 and 854 (XHHW, SIS, USE, A, B, or C applications and VW-1). Exact extrusion characteristics will, of course, be dependent on the equipment in use and can be determined only during cable trials.Hopper drying at 150°F (65°C) before extrusion is recommended to remove moisture and diminish the possibility of die drool. DRYING TIME 4-6 HRS.Extrusion Profile Compound: HFDA-6522 on #14 7/STR (1.84 mm) Bare Copper, .030 in, 3 1/2 in Extruder Head: 235°F (113 °C) Die: 180°F (82°C) Zones: 235, 235, 235, 240, 250°F (113, 113, 113, 115, 121°C) Screw: 180°F (82°C) Stock: 245°F (118 °C) Speed: 300 FPM (30 sec. steam leg residence time)
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