ISPLEN® RC 580 S2M belongs to a new range of highly transparent family specially designed to satisfy the more exigent necessities of the market.
- It allows reducing the cycle time, due to its higher crystallization temperature.
- By its higher stiffness, it increases the mechanical properties of the articles manufactured. Lower tendency to warpage.
- Due to the improved optical properties, it is possible to produce articles of higher thickness, maintaining a very good aesthetic result. The haze of this new product in a 2 mm plate is equivalent to the haze of a standard random copolymer in a 1mm plate.
ISPLEN® RC 580 S2M is specially indicated for applications where the optical properties are really demanding, and in addition is necessary a good processability:
- Thick houseware containers (square and cylindrical shape).
- Transparent boxes and crates for domestic and professional storage.
Recommended melt temperature range from 190 to 250°C. Processing conditions should be optimised for each production line.