Algoflon® L600

Категория PTFE, Polytetrafluoroethylene
Производитель Solvay Specialty Polymers
Торговая марка Algoflon®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
Algoflon® L600 is a white PTFE micronized powder produced from dispersion polymerization comprising loose agglomerates of sub-micron sized primary particles.
Algoflon® L600 can be de-agglomerated to sub-micron particle size by the application of shear providing a better dispersion and distribution of the PTFE particles in the application.
Algoflon® L600 is designed for use in critical engineering plastics and high-end performance coatings to improve non-stick properties, mar and abrasion resistance. Algoflon® L600 is also highly recommended as additive for lubricants with respect to any other solid additive.

Main features are:
  • Improved abrasion, scratch and rub resistance
  • Increased slip and surface lubricity
  • Reduced blocking
  • Better chemical resistance
  • Increased temperature resistance
  • Gloss retention
  • Excellent dispersion ability
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ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Удельная площадь поверхности > 7.5m²/gInternal method
Средний размер частиц- Поверхность 14.0µmInternal method
Плотность объема 325g/lASTM D4895
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Масляная шлифовка- Нпири 1.50NPIRI
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Пиковая температура плавления 320 - 330°CASTM D3418
Дополнительная информацияНоминальное значениеМетод испытания
Processing Algoflon® L600 is used as an additive in paints and coatings where improvements in non-stick, mar resistance, slip, chemical resistance, and moisture repelling characteristics are desired. Algoflon® L600 may be used independently as an additive or in combination with polyethylene waxes. The PTFE content at the surface layer is required in order to impart the properties of the PTFE to the host material. Storage and Handling The usual precautions for safe storage and handling of Algoflon® L600 should be taken according to material safety documentation and experience. There will be no chemical deterioration of Algoflon® L600 micronized powders during proper storage. Shelf life of Algoflon® L600 micronized powders will vary depending upon whether the recommended storage conditions are maintained and whether the material remains free from foreign contamination during storage time (not exposed to dirt, dust, water or other chemicals). The material should remain sealed in the original containers and storage conditions should provide for protection from temperature extremes as well as rain, snow or other wet environments (or such conditions which may damage the storage containers in which the product is stored). Safety and Toxicology Before using Algoflon® L PTFE micronized powders consult the product Material Safety Data Sheet and follow all label directions and handling precautions. As with all PTFE materials, handling and processing should only be carried out in well ventilated areas. Vapor extractor units should be installed above processing equipment. Fumes must not be inhaled and eye and skin contact ought to be avoided. In case of skin contact wash with soap and water. In case of eye contact, flush with water immediately and seek medical help. Do not smoke in areas contaminated with powder, vapor or fumes. See Material Safety Data Sheet for detailed advice on waste disposal methods. Packaging Algoflon® L600 is packaged in 25 kg non returnable drums. Each drum has one bag liner made of polyethylene resin. Additional Tehcnical Information For Material Safety Data Sheet or additional technical information, consult your Solvay sales representative or the website:
1 .Laser Diffraction
Тип материала Категория Производитель
DeWAL DW 212 PTFE DeWAL Industries
Flontech® FT-930-RST PTFE Guarniflon S.p.A. - Flontech Division
Teflon® PTFE 8A X PTFE DuPont Fluoropolymers
Algoflon® L600 PTFE Solvay Specialty Polymers
Flontech® FT-EK5-CF5-1 PTFE Guarniflon S.p.A. - Flontech Division
3M™ Dyneon™ PTFE Compound TF 4103 PTFE 3M Advanced Materials Division
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