Zetpol® 1020

Категория NBR, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber
Производитель Zeon Corporation
Торговая марка Zetpol®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF cGxVIE_Zetpol-1020.pdf
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Описание материалов:
Hydrogenated NBR (HNBR) features high strength as well as resistance to heat, sour gasoline, and ozone. The low-temperature resistance grade provides outstanding physical properties across a wide range of temperatures, from -40 to 150°C. in terms of fuel-related applications, compared to rubber containing fluorine, Zetpol exhibits surpassed cost performance, while at the same time complying with the specific requirements of those applications. It also offers superior resistance to various lubricating oil additives. The use of Zetpol enables the manufacture of rubber parts including seals, hoses, and gaskets with excellent functionality at high temperatures, as it facilitates the design of high modulus compounds and maintains significant strength at high temperatures. Zetpol is also the ideal choice for oil drilling applications, because of its resistance capability to steam and acid, as well as crude oil and natural gas. In addition, Zetpol works well if applied to industrial equipment, since it readily adheres to various types of metal and exhibits excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. Furthermore, for various belts, such as synchronous belts and V-belts, Zetpol's premier dynamic characteristics, high strength, ozone resistance, and heat resistance contribute significantly to improving durability.

Characteristics and applications
Same as Zetpol 1010, except for a lower saturation level allowing for a sulfur curing. Suitable for sulfur and peroxide curing.
Главная Информация
  • Кислотоупорный
  • Сопротивление бензину
  • Хорошая стойкость к истиранию
  • Хорошая химическая стойкость
  • Высокая термостойкость
  • Высокая прочность
  • Маслостойкий
  • Устойчивость к озону
  • Устойчивость к пару
  • Автомобильные Приложения
  • Диафрагмы
  • Шланг
  • Промышленное применение
  • Уплотнения
Рейтинг агентства
  • FDA неуказанный рейтинг
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Удельный вес 0.978g/cm³
Вязкость Mooney 78MU
Bound Acrylonitrile 44%
Дополнительная информацияНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Значение йода 24.0mg/100 mg
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Ravaflex NBR FILLED NBR Ravago Group
SIBUR Synthetic Rubber NBR 3365 NBR SIBUR
Kumho KNB 3430G NBR Korea Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
Paracril® P7072P NBR INSA
Получите информацию об этом продукте следующим способом.
Телефон+086 13424755533
EMAIL US sales@su-jiao.com

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