Bayfill® 369 (42.4:100)

Категория PUR, Polyurethane (MDI) , PUR-MDI
Производитель Covestro - PUR
Торговая марка Bayfill®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
Bayfill 369 is a semi-rigid polyurethane foam system designed for automotive interior applications. The Bayfill 369 system is an excellent choice for the production of soft-touch panels, such as instrument panels, door trim, and center consoles. The foam is typically molded in a back-filling process between a soft, exterior skin and a rigid, thermoplastic substrate.

The Bayfill 369 system is supplied as two components. Component A is a polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (PMDI). Component B is a polyol mixture. As with any product, use of the Bayfill 369 system in a given application must be tested (including but not limited to field testing) in advance by the user to determine suitability.
Главная Информация
  • Пена
  • Применение в автомобильной области
  • Автомобильные внутренние детали
  • Оборудование для салона автомобиля
  • Приборная панель автомобиля
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Литая плотность 147kg/m³ASTM D3574A
ЭластомерыНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Отклонение силы сжатия ASTM D3574C
    -- 10.0758MPaASTM D3574C
    -- 20.0276MPaASTM D3574C
Комплект сжатия ASTM D3574D
    Cd 362%ASTM D3574D
    Cd 431%ASTM D3574D
    Ct 515%ASTM D3574D
    Ct 631%ASTM D3574D
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Прочность на растяжение
    -- 70.138MPaASTM D3574K
    -- 0.283MPaASTM D3574E
Удлинение при растяжении
    Fracture 848%ASTM D3574K
    Fracture 58%ASTM D3574E
ЭластомерыНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Tear Strength 0.175kN/mASTM D3574F
ТермокомплектНоминальное значение
Компоненты термокомплекта
    Component a Mixing ratio by weight: 42
    Component B Mixing ratio by weight: 100
Дополнительная информация
Part A Type: Isocyanate Appearance: Dark brown liquid Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.24 Viscosity @25°C: 60 cps Flash Point PMCC: 149°C NCO: 32.2 wt% Part B Type: Polyol Appearance: Colorless to light tan viscous liquid Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.03 Viscosity @25°C: 1100 cps Flash Point PMCC: 117°C Water: 2 wt% Hydroxyl Number: 70 KOH/g Mold Temperature: 38 to 43°CDemold Time: >90 secHand Mix Reactivity at 25°C Cream Time: 9 to 17 sec Top of Cup Time: 36 to 50 sec Gel Time: 39 to 53 to sec Rise Time: 67 to 83 sec Free-Rise Density: 4.90 to 5.70 lb/ft³ Machine Reactivity at 27 to 32°C Cream Time: 6 to 10 sec Top of Cup Time: 20 to 22 sec Gel Time: 27 to 31 sec Rise Time: 44 to 48 sec Free-Rise Density: 4.00 to 5.00 lb/ft³ Molded Density: 7 to 10.5 lb/ft³
1 .0.5
2 .After J2 Autoclave
3 .After J2 Autoclave, Cd=compression set as a percentage of the original deflection
4 .50, Cd=compression set as a percentage of the original deflection
5 .50%, Ct=compression set as a percentage of the original thickness
6 .After J2 Autoclave, Ct=compression set as a percentage of the original thickness
7 .Dry Heat Aged at 140°C
8 .Dry Heat Aged at 140°C
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Vytaflex® 30 PUR, Unspecified Smooth-On, Inc
Xuchuan XCM-18S PUR, Unspecified Xuchuan Chemical (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Ebalta GM 955-55 / Comp. A+B PUR, Unspecified Ebalta Kunststoff GmbH
Andur 8 APFLM PUR-Ester/TDI Anderson Development Company
Baytec® MS-242 (BDO) PUR-Ester/MDI Covestro - PUR
BJB Polyurethane TC-892 FR REV 1 PUR, Unspecified BJB Enterprises, Inc.
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