HETRON 197 resin is a non-thixotropic, unpromoted, halogenated, flame retardant") clear polyester. HETRON 197 resin may be used for closed molding applications. HETRON 197 resin can be formulated into other HETRON resins of the 197 series (except HETRON 197AT resin) with the addition of styrene, thixotrope agents or promoters.
- Excellent corrosion resistance to acidic and other oxidizing environments
- High heat resistance - gases and vapor to 177°C (350°F)
- Excellent strength retention at elevated temperatures
- Good fire retardancy - Has met ASTM E-84 Class ll rating with 5% antimony trioxide
Corrosion resistant fiberglass reinforced plastic equipment including press molded and pultruded pipe, flanges, fittings, pumps, pump housings, mist eliminator blades and other equipment handling corrosive gases, vapors or liquids.