A brown coloured high performance polymer containing a unique self- reinforcing polymer structure, developed specifically for aggressive semiconductor applications. The high purity of the polymer combined with the absence of any fillers makes this polymer suitable for processes involving lower feature sizes. This material has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, low compression set and has an extremely low etch rate in aggressive plasma environments.
Kimura® K23X can be fully moulded into custom shapes and O-rings (from 6.07mm/0.24" ID & 1.78mm/0.07" CS up to 600mm/23.6" ID & 10mm/0.39" CS).
Key Attributes
- Exceptionally pure - does not contain any fillers which may cause particulation problems.
- Low modulus ensures excellent sealing characteristics
- Outstanding plasma resistance - ideal for Chlorine, Fluorine & Oxygen chemistries.
- Exceptionally low plasma etch rate
- Retro-fits existing O-ring grooves (including FKM & FFKM grooves)
- Low adhesion (reduced sticking)
Typical Applications