Clear Cote™ TECHNO-COTE™

Категория Epoxy, Epoxy; Epoxide
Производитель Club Kit, Inc.
Торговая марка Clear Cote™
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF XLeeSk_Clear-Cote-TECHNO-COTE-.pdf
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Описание материалов:
TECHNO-COTE™ by CLEAR COTE™ is a 3 Speed (2 to 1, by volume/weight ) high quality, laminating system. It is 100% Epoxy solids. It is designed for the rapid wet out of fiberglass, Kevlar, carbon fiber and other composite materials. This system can be purchased with any one of 3 different Activators depending up on the desired cure speed and pot life.

The material has an easy to use 2 to 1 mix ratio (2 Parts resin to 1 Part Activator, by volume/weight ) that cures at room temperature with little to no blush to a tough, rigid, impact resistant plastic, with
excellent resistance to water, chemicals, and solvents. This material is suitable for use in mechanical volume pumps, always mix these materials thoroughly and be sure to scrape the sides and bottom.

As with all adhesive type compounds proper surface preparation is essential for good bond strength, additionally recoating of this material should be accomplished before the material is thoroughly cured generally in less then 24 hours. If the material has cured hard and tack free, a sanding and solvent wash will be necessary before recoating.
Главная Информация
  • Bondability
  • Хорошая адгезия
  • Хорошая химическая стойкость
  • Хорошая ударопрочность
  • Хорошая прочность
  • Хорошая прочность
  • Низкое поглощение воды
  • Средняя жесткость
  • Устойчивость к растворителям
  • Клеи
  • Склеивание
  • Ламинаты
  • Детали Насоса
Внешний вид
  • Прозрачный/прозрачный
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Heat Distortion
    -- 154°C
    -- 252°C
    -- 357°C
Дополнительная информацияНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Operating Temperature
    -- 4-40 to 66°C
    -- 5-40 to 66°C
    -- 6-40 to 66°C
ТермокомплектНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Компоненты термокомплекта
    Part A 7Mix Ratio by Weight: 44
    Part B 8Mix Ratio by Weight: 46
    Part C 9Mix Ratio by Weight: 46
    Resin Mix Ratio by Weight: 100
Uncured PropertiesНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
    -- 10Amber
    -- 11Amber
    -- 12Amber
    -- 13Clear/Transparent
    -- 140.20Pa·s
    -- 150.25Pa·s
    -- 160.40Pa·s
    -- 171.0Pa·s
Gel Time
    25°C 1815min
    25°C 1930min
    25°C 201.5E+2min
Cured PropertiesНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Твердость по суше
    Shore D 2175 to 80
    Shore D 2275 to 80
    Shore D 2375 to 80
Удлинение при разрыве
    -- 242.0 to 4.0%
    -- 253.0 to 5.0%
    -- 264.0 to 6.0%
1 .Medium Activator
2 .Slow Activator
3 .Fast Activator
4 .Slow Activator
5 .Medium Activator
6 .Fast Activator
7 .Slow Activator
8 .Medium Activator
9 .Fast Activator
10 .Medium Activator
11 .Fast Activator
12 .Slow Activator
13 .Laminating Resin
14 .Slow Activator
15 .Medium Activator
16 .Fast Activator
17 .Laminating Resin
18 .Fast Activator
19 .Medium Activator
20 .Slow Activator
21 .Fast Activator
22 .Medium Activator
23 .Slow Activator
24 .Fast Activator
25 .Medium Activator
26 .Slow Activator
Тип материала Категория Производитель
ADEKA EP-3950S Epoxy Adeka Corporation
ADEKA EP-4100TX Epoxy Adeka Corporation
Ad-Tech Epoxy EA-616 Epoxy Ad-Tech Plastic Systems Corp.
DAPCO™ 3042 Epoxy Cytec Industries Inc.
Thermoset Plastics EL-487 Epoxy Thermoset, Lord Chemical Products
Plaskon NXG-1FP Epoxy Cookson Electronics - Semiconductor Products
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