A two-component, room temperature curing, medium to high thixotropic, readily machinable, surface coat developed especially for use with plaster as a backup plastic.
Being thixotropic, HAPCOAT 3720 is ideally suited for use on vertical or sloping surfaces where flow or drain-off cannot be tolerated.
- Easy to sand and work, and should be used on those pattern-making applications where additional machining is required.
- Plastic surface for plaster castings.
- Inexpensive, fast castings, used for molds, metals, or patterns
- May be applied & wet plaster poured as a backup in a wet state. The two systems will bond, forming a plastic faced/plaster backed system.
- This surface coat has no abrasive filler in it, and is easily worked by all wood cutting tools
- The white color of this face coat is ideally suited for scribing with marking inks to outline pattern changes, etc.
- Reproduces the finest surface detail and texture