Catalyst CT/2-LR UV

Категория PO, Polyolefin , Polyolefin, Unspecified
Производитель Solvay Specialty Polymers
Торговая марка Catalyst
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF Iq8L8U_Catalyst-CT-2-LR-UV.pdf
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Описание материалов:
Catalyst CT/2-LR UV is a polyolefin based masterbatch to be used with cable silane crosslinkable compounds in the amount suggested for each material.
Developed for Cogegum® GFR series compounds, it allows easy processing during extrusion. It has the same features of CT/2, but with a lower catalytic activity; it confers improved UV/VIS and aging resistance.
Catalyst CT/2-LR UV can be used in a wide application range due to its catalytic activity and the anti-ageing effect given to the final product. It contains also a metal deactivator that allows its use also in direct contact with untinned copper
Главная Информация
  • Стабильность контакта меди
  • Без галогенов
  • Применение проводов и кабелей
Соответствие RoHS
  • Соответствие RoHS
Внешний вид
  • Натуральный цвет
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Удельный вес 10.940g/cm³ASTM D792
Видимая плотность 20.53g/cm³ISO 60
Дополнительная информация
Storage The product must be stored under the following conditions: closed and undamaged bags ambient temperature not exceeding 35°C avoid direct exposure to sunlight and weathering Product alterations could occur due to extended period of storage Shelf life: 12 months Solvay Specialty Polymers accepts no liability of any kind in case the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled. Packaging 25 kg moisture-resistant bags on 1375 kg pallet 1000 kg carton box
1 .Test on the press plate
2 .Particle test
Тип материала Категория Производитель
RETARDEL™ LSF-TR1 Polyolefin, Unspecified HELLENIC CABLES S.A.
Adsyl 6 C 30 F Polyolefin, Unspecified LyondellBasell Industries
Ecobarrier® 2614 Polyolefin, Unspecified Noble Polymers
PB 910E Polyolefin, Unspecified Pooya Polymer Tehran
Petrothene® XL07414 Polyolefin, Unspecified LyondellBasell Industries
RheTech Thermoplastic Polyolefin FT4802-693UV Polyolefin, Unspecified RheTech, Inc.
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