OnForce™ LFT LF6600-5002 HI BLACK

Категория PA, Polyamide , Nylon, Unspecified
Производитель PolyOne Corporation
Торговая марка OnForce™ LFT
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF H5Okd4_OnForce-LFT-LF6600-5002-HI-BLACK.pdf
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Описание материалов:
PolyOne's Long Fiber Thermoplastic (LFT) compounds are formulated for demanding applications which require high stiffness and good impact such as metal replacement or other structural applications. These products exhibit enhanced physical and mechanical properties versus standard short fiber products. Benefits of LFT compounds include improved impact strength, elastic modulus, and material strength across wide temperature ranges from subambient to highly elevated. Furthermore, LFT compounds have been shown to offer improved performance in the areas of creep and fatigue performance, improved dimensional stability, and exhibit an exceptional surface finish when compared to traditional highly filled short fiber products.
Главная Информация
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ФизическийСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Плотность 1.461.46g/cm³ISO 1183
Формовочная усадка 10.300.30%ISO 294-4
МеханическиеСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Модуль растяжения 1000010000MPaISO 527-2
Tensile Stress (Break)160160MPaISO 527-2
Растяжимое напряжение (Break)3.53.5%ISO 527-2
Флекторный модуль 92009200MPaISO 178
Флекторный стресс 215215MPaISO 178
ВоздействиеСухойСостояниеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Ударная прочность 3535kJ/m²ISO 179
Charpy Unnotched Impact Strength 7575kJ/m²ISO 179
ИнъекцияСухойЕдиница измерения
Температура сушки 80.0°C
Время сушки 4.0hr
Температура обработки (расплава) 270 - 300°C
Температура формы 80.0°C
Скорость впрыска Slow-Moderate
Back Pressure 1.00MPa
Инструкции по впрыску
LFT compounds can be processed using equipment similar to that used for short fiber products. The mechanical properties of finished parts depend greatly on the length of the fibers in the molded part; therefore processing conditions must be set carefully in order to minimize fiber breakage. A "low shear process" is advised, with low back pressure, low screw speed and low-to-medium injection speed.
1 .Measured on a tensile specimen. Actual mold shrinkage values are highly dependant on part geometry, mold configuration, and processingconditions.
Тип материала Категория Производитель
NYCOA Polyamide 2276 Nylon Copolymer Nycoa (Nylon Corporation of America)
RTP 4499 X 96265 Nylon, Unspecified RTP Company
TROGAMID® CX CX9704 Nylon, Unspecified Evonik Industries AG
HiFill® TPX-HTN-01043 A Nylon, Unspecified Techmer Engineered Solutions
LNP™ THERMOTUF™ VX99810 compound Nylon, Unspecified SABIC Innovative Plastics
LNP™ THERMOTUF™ VC006 compound Nylon, Unspecified SABIC Innovative Plastics
Получите информацию об этом продукте следующим способом.
Телефон+086 13424755533
EMAIL US sales@su-jiao.com

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