VisiJet® PXL

Категория NULL, Unspecified
Производитель 3D Systems
Торговая марка VisiJet®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF Bpq8cg_VisiJet-PXL.pdf
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Описание материалов:
The VisiJet® line of materials offers numerous capabilities to meet a variety of commercial applications. Using the ColorJet Printing (CJP) technology, 3D Systems' ProJet® x60 3D Printers use the VisiJet® PXL™ material set to build strong, high-definition, full color concept models, assemblies and prototypes, for design realization, advanced communication, as well as development and production cost reduction. Printed models benefit transportation, energy, consumer products, recreation, healthcare, education and other vertical markets. Parts can be sanded, drilled, tapped, painted and electroplated, which further expands the options available for finished part characteristics. Additionally, models have high-temperature resistance, ideal for digital manufacturing and molding applications.

Our premium composite for the ProJet x60 product line, VisiJet PXL delivers the best of everything:
  • Toughest parts
  • Best resolution
  • Whitest whites
  • Excellent color accuracy
  • Low cost per printed part
Главная Информация
  • Хорошая стабильность цвета
  • Хорошая поверхность
  • Хорошая прочность
  • Высокая термостойкость
  • Болезненный
  • Инженерные детали
  • Моделирующий материал
  • Прототипирование
Внешний вид
  • Черный
  • Синий
  • Прозрачный/прозрачный
  • Красный
  • Желтый
  • Жидкость
Метод обработки
  • 3D печать, стереолитография
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измерения
Модуль растяжения
    -- 19450MPa
    -- 212600MPa
    -- 312900MPa
Прочность на растяжение
    -- 414.2MPa
    -- 526.4MPa
    -- 62.38MPa
Удлинение при растяжении
    Break 70.23%
    Break 80.21%
    Break 90.040%
Флекторный модуль
    -- 107160MPa
    -- 1110700MPa
    -- 126360MPa
Flexural Strength
    -- 1331.1MPa
    -- 1444.1MPa
    -- 1513.1MPa
1 .Using ColorBond™ Infiltrant: Instant-cure infiltrant ideal for color models to improve strength and color vibrancy and retention.
2 .Using StrengthMax™ Infiltrant: Two-part infiltrant ideal for functional models to dramatically improve the strength of the model.
3 .Using Salt Water Cure™ Infiltrant: Eco-friendly and hazard-free infiltrant. Ideal for monochrome models and draft- color. Provides additional surface hardness and modulus upon dipping, or spraying.
4 .Using ColorBond™ Infiltrant: Instant-cure infiltrant ideal for color models to improve strength and color vibrancy and retention.
5 .Using StrengthMax™ Infiltrant: Two-part infiltrant ideal for functional models to dramatically improve the strength of the model.
6 .Using Salt Water Cure™ Infiltrant: Eco-friendly and hazard-free infiltrant. Ideal for monochrome models and draft- color. Provides additional surface hardness and modulus upon dipping, or spraying.
7 .Using ColorBond™ Infiltrant: Instant-cure infiltrant ideal for color models to improve strength and color vibrancy and retention.
8 .Using StrengthMax™ Infiltrant: Two-part infiltrant ideal for functional models to dramatically improve the strength of the model.
9 .Using Salt Water Cure™ Infiltrant: Eco-friendly and hazard-free infiltrant. Ideal for monochrome models and draft- color. Provides additional surface hardness and modulus upon dipping, or spraying.
10 .Using ColorBond™ Infiltrant: Instant-cure infiltrant ideal for color models to improve strength and color vibrancy and retention.
11 .Using StrengthMax™ Infiltrant: Two-part infiltrant ideal for functional models to dramatically improve the strength of the model.
12 .Using Salt Water Cure™ Infiltrant: Eco-friendly and hazard-free infiltrant. Ideal for monochrome models and draft- color. Provides additional surface hardness and modulus upon dipping, or spraying.
13 .Using ColorBond™ Infiltrant: Instant-cure infiltrant ideal for color models to improve strength and color vibrancy and retention.
14 .Using StrengthMax™ Infiltrant: Two-part infiltrant ideal for functional models to dramatically improve the strength of the model.
15 .Using Salt Water Cure™ Infiltrant: Eco-friendly and hazard-free infiltrant. Ideal for monochrome models and draft- color. Provides additional surface hardness and modulus upon dipping, or spraying.
Тип материала Категория Производитель
VeroGray™ RGD850 Unspecified Stratasys
3SP™ White Unspecified EnvisionTEC, Inc.
ALKAMIX™ MB-6002 Unspecified Marplex Australia Pty. Ltd.
DIGITALWAX® DL 360 Unspecified DWS Systems
DIGITALWAX® DL 260 Unspecified DWS Systems
Perfactory® Easy Cast EC500 Unspecified EnvisionTEC, Inc.
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