Категория EPM, Ethylene Propylene Copolymer
Производитель Polyram Ram-On Industries
Торговая марка RAMCLEAN™
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
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Описание материалов:
Ethylene propylene compound Purging Agent for extruderes/injection molding machines
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ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Массовый расход расплава (MFR) (230°C/10.0 kg)7.5g/10 minASTM D1238, ISO 1133
Инструкции по впрыску
Processing Instructions:RAM-CLEAN is a Non-Corrosive, Non-Abrasive purging compound, based on pure physical effects of high-viscosity POLYOLEFINS, scrubbing MINERALS and FOAMING AGENTS.The high viscosity polymer and the mineral filler will purge clean the surfaces of the cylinder, screw, nozzle and runners, removing residual polymers, pigments and other contaminants.The foaming agents, while soaking for 5-10 minutes can penetrate into dead spots and help remove stubborn "sources" of black spots.RAM-CLEAN works well with most polymers that are processed from 190 to 350 deg C.1. CLEANING OF THE INJECTION UNIT (Cold runner Molds):a. Heat the cylinder to normal processing temperatures. In some cases (such as shut-off nozzles, melt filters, mixers etc.) raise nozzle and front zone temperatures about 10 deg C above the production temperature.b. Empty the cylinder from the current material by injection.c. Increase the backpressure as much as possible and fill the cylinder with Ram-Clean 101 until foamed material emerges out of the machine nozzle.d. Stop the screw rotation and let the system soak for about 5-10 minutes with the Ram-Clean inside the cylinder.e. Empty the cylinder content.f. If the last shot of the Ram-clean is still contains black specks or other contaminants, repeat stages c-d-e.g. Set the temperature profile according to the next production material and purge the unit clean until there is no trace of Ram-Clean.2. CLEANING THE HOT RUNNER SYSTEMa. First clean the injection unit - steps a-b-c -mentioned above.b. Raise hot runner temp to 20-30 deg above normal process temperaturec. Attach the injection unit to the mold and open the mold. Wait until foamed material emerges out of the hot nozzles- the foaming pressure is usually high enough to push the polymer out of the hot runner system.d. If there is no flow out of the hot nozzles, reduce shot size to 50% and inject few half shots into a closed mold until the foamed Ram-Clean has reached the mold cavities.e. Leave the mold open for 10 min, allowing the Ram-Clean to drool out of the hot nozzles. If you have shot-off nozzles leave them open!!f. Same as in stage "d" reduce the shot weight to 50% and inject the whole cylinder content into the mold. Do not add any material until cylinder is fully purged.g. Set hot runner temperatures to the next production temperatures.h. Add the next production material and continue to inject half shots until there is no trace of the cleaning compound.i. Set all parameters and start production.
Тип материала Категория Производитель
Vistalon™ 706 EPM ExxonMobil Chemical
Trilene FreeFlow™ 76 EPM Lion Copolymer, LLC
Exxon™ IT0316 EPM ExxonMobil Chemical
Melos™ FM 972 EPM Melos GmbH
Melos™ FM 1755 EPM Melos GmbH
Melos™ FM 0434/7 EPM Melos GmbH
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