Lucolast® 7010AC

Категория EBA, Ethylene Butyl Acrylate Copolymer
Производитель Lucobit AG
Торговая марка Lucolast®
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF 2kVXgm_Lucolast7010AC.pdf
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Описание материалов:
Lucolast® 7010AC is a polar copolymer consisting of ethylene and butyl acrylate with low crystallinity.

Product properties
Addition of Lucolast® 7010AC to bitumen increases the range its viscosity and broadens the range of plasticity. Depending on the proportion of Lucolast® 7010AC that was added the minimum value of the Fraass breaking point of Lucolast® 7010AC modified bitumen decreases and the ring and ball softening point increases. Penetration values decline accordingly. Ductility determined according to DIN EN 12591 decreas-es, however, the values ascertained for the so-called ductility at low temperatures are more favourable than those for standard bitumen with-out addition of Lucobit.

Product advantages
Compared with other standard binder Lucolast® 7010AC displays significant advantages in improving resistance to deformation. Rut formation test at high temperatures demonstrated that asphalt can bear a two- to three-fold load when modifying it with thermoplastics or altering binder viscosity by adding Lucolast® 7010AC. This does not impair the low-temperature performance of Lucolast® 7010AC, but rather improves it.

Even relatively small amounts of PmB based on Lucolast® 7010AC in asphalt mixtures improve:
  • resistance to mechanical stress, in particular deformation and wear
  • stability/rigidity and reduce the tendency to flow‚ when hot and under load
  • low temperature flexibility
  • ageing behaviour

Examples for application:
  • s-wearing courses to ZTV-Asphalt - StB
  • poured asphalt, also on sloping surfaces (ramps)
  • stone mastic asphalt
  • special asphalt surfaces, e.g. porous asphalt thin
  • bituminous wearing courses (hot laying)
Главная Информация
  • Гибкость при низкой температуре
  • Сополимер
  • Охрана окружающей среды
  • Хорошая стабильность
  • Средняя твердость
  • Модификация асфальта
Тип материала Категория Производитель
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