HyFlexP021 polymer is a modified co-polyester that exhibits elastomeric properties.
HyFlexP021 can be melt spun into Fiber and Monofilament, and can also be extruded for other applications that require elastic properties in the final product.
HyFlexP021 co-polyester needs to be dried to <50ppm moisture (110°C/-40°C d.pt. air/14+ hours) if processed on single screw extruder. Drying in dry nitrogen atmosphere is preferred.
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Соответствие пищевого контакта
Рейтинг агентства
ЕС 90/128/EEC
Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов 21 CFR 177,1520