Категория PP, Homopolymer Resin , PP Homopolymer
Производитель Trinseo
Торговая марка INSPIRE™
Порт Китай Шанхайский порт
Торговые условия FOB, CFR, CIF
Платежное средство L/C, T/T, Western Union
PDF 1UnZwZ_INSPIRE-DLGF-9631-01-Z.pdf
Контактная информация

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Описание материалов:
DLGF 9631.01 Z is based on polypropylene homopolymer and reinforced with 60% by weight of long glass fibers. (PP-LGF60, Long Glassfiber Granulate).

DLGF 9631.01 Z is produced by pultrusion / meltimpregnation process, thereby ensuring thorough impregnation of all the filaments in the glassfiber-rovings and also providing improved ‘pellet robustness' for air conveying.
It is available in ‘standard black' colour (TR 7701862).

This PP-LGF60 is a ‘concentrate' which has to be diluted - usually with ‘neat'-PP but also mineral-filled PP-based compounds can be used. The ‘dilution' is typically done as a dry-blend of granulates by means of gravimetric dosing devices at the injection-molding machine.
A weight ratio of 1 : 1 of DLGF 9631.01 Z and i.e. LGF 8100 PP-copolymer will result in a composite-material-system having 30% by weight of glassfibers.
The ‘long' glass fibers (initial length = 11 mm) provide high stiffness, strength and impact-resistance to the injection molded parts.

DLGF 9631.01 Z has been especially formulated to meet the requirements for use in automotive ‘under-the-hood' (UTH) and ‘under-body' applications i.e. front-end carriers (FEC) aka ‘bolster', impingement shields or structural parts like i.e. battery trays or spare wheel wells.

The long term heat ageing resistance (LTHA) has been increased to a high level as needed for ‘UTH' applications. Injection molded parts based on DLGF 9631.01 Z diluted with ‘neat'-PP to 30% GF-content will show no signs of degradation and surpass the limit of > 1000 h @ 150°C.

When diluted to 40% GF-content, the heat aging performance of composites based on DLGF 9631.01 Z will increase beyond the 1000 h. In many cases, even a dilution to 20% will result passing beyond 1000 h @ 150°C, however this will depend on the wall-thickness of molded parts as well as the choice of dilution resin and therefore, it is recommended to conduct own tests.

For large size molded parts, the PP-types chosen for dilution typically have MFI values in the range of 40 - 80 (g/10min @ 230°C) and for most applications the choice of impact-copolymers like LGF 8000 or LGF 8100 (European grades) and LGF 8600 or LGF 8500 (‘corresponding' North American grades) represents the best property balance. For smaller parts / shorter flow-paths, the dilution can also be done with PP-types having MFI in the range of 10 - 20 for increased low temperature impact performance. To meet certain application-specific requirements the polymer-type for dilution could also be homopolymer PP (LGF 7000, LGF 7600) as well as mineral-filled/compounded PP-grades. Eventually, a third component (i.e. talcum-masterbatch, DTFC AP.71) can be added to control shrinkage and warpage, thereby increasing the available options for optimization of the material-system.

Note: The properties shown below have been measured on standardized ‘dogbone'-shape specimens (ISO 3167). However, the mechanical properties which will be present in ‘real' injection-molded parts may be different - depending on the glassfiber-orientation and the fiber-length distribution profile - which themselves are resulting from processing parameters and hardware configuration (such as i.e. the type of screw and mixing elements, back-pressure during dosing cycle, diameter and radii of nozzle and hot-runners, number and size of gates, speed of injection during mold filling and flow-path and flow-length within the mold).
Главная Информация
  • Длинное стекловолокно, 60% наполнитель по весу
  • Жесткий, высокий
  • Высокая прочность
  • Хорошая теплостойкая производительность старения
  • Ударопрочность при низкой температуре
  • Компонент
  • Применение в автомобильной области
Внешний вид
  • Черный
  • Частицы
Метод обработки
  • Литье под давлением
ФизическийНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Плотность 1.12g/cm³ISO 1183
МеханическиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Модуль растяжения 6500MPaISO 527-2/5
Tensile Stress (Break)105MPaISO 527-2/50
Растяжимое напряжение (Break)2.3%ISO 527-2/50
Флекторный модуль 16500MPaISO 178
Флекторный стресс 2155MPaISO 178
Деформация изгиба- Внешний деформационный материал 2.9%ISO 178
ВоздействиеНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Charpy Unnotched Impact Strength
    23°C 53kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
    23°C 45kJ/m²ISO 179/1fU
Зубчатый изод Impact
    23°C 230J/mASTM D256
    23°C 17kJ/m²ISO 180
Многоосная инструментальная Энергия удара (23°C, 4.00mm, energy to peak strength)19.0JISO 6603-2
Мульти-осевая инструментальная ударная Пиковая сила (23°C, 4.00 mm)3300NISO 6603-2
ТепловойНоминальное значениеЕдиница измеренияМетод испытания
Температура отклонения при нагрузке (1.8 MPa, Unannealed)155°CASTM D648, ISO 75-2/A
Дополнительная информация
These are typical properties as measured on injection molded specimens ('dogbones') defined by ISO 3167 type 1a (L= 175 mm, center-section: 80x10x4 mm). Dilution Material: LGF 8100 Dilution Ratio: 1 : 1 blend Glass Fiber Content After Dilution: 30%
1 .3-Point Bending
2 .3-Point Bending
Тип материала Категория Производитель
TRANSMARE® 35HT40-0.001 PP Homopolymer Transmare Compounding B.V.
Braskem PP H 216 PP Homopolymer Braskem
ADLEN® B36BG-08 PP Copolymer A.D. Compound S.p.A.
REV Materials 8006-001 PP, Unspecified REV Materials
Tisoplen® PPH 40 MNF CALCITE PP Homopolymer Tisan
Polytron® P40B03 PP Copolymer Polyram Ram-On Industries
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